Nicholas and Tom respond to the Court of Justice of the EU's landmark ruling in the joined...
He notes that 'Increasingly now you get a group of lawyers who have become inquiries...
Tom Orpin-Massey considers the implications of the ECJ ruling in the Tele2 Sverige and Watson...
Nick Griffin QC comments on the implications that the CJEU decision in the case of MP Tom Watson...
Tom Orpin-Massey considers the CJEU case of Watson is not a total victory for the privacy lobby. ...
Nicholas Griffin QC and Peter Watkin Jones assess the Inquiries Act 2005 ten years on in the Law...
Tom spoke to Lexis PSL on the potential liability of NHS Trusts for criminal charges....
Philip Evans QC and Tom Coke-Smyth consider the application of the rule of law to the military in...
Nicholas Griffin QC and Celia Pilkington consider the history of the anti-slavery movement in the...
Nicholas Griffin QC, Robert O’Sullivan QC and Gordon Nardell QC consider legal professional...