Rachna Gokani Presents on Private Prosecutions at the Global Investigations Review GIR Live: Annual Investigations Meeting in London today

Rachna Gokani of QEB Hollis Whiteman joins the private prosecution panel at the return of Global Investigations Review's GIR Live: Annual Investigations Meeting London, hosted by Allen & Overy, today.

This interactive conference aims to bring together practitioners from the UK and Europe, investigators, private practice lawyers, expert witnesses, and senior general counsel with the purpose of networking and keeping up to date on the most important discussions in the investigations landscape.

Rachna Gokani is presenting at Private Prosecutions and Disclosure in the Spotlight at 14:45. She, alongside other panellists, will be considering how to conduct a private prosecution properly and with integrity, the impact on defending private prosecutions, and what lessons have been learnt to apply to future cases in the field. It will cover recent failings, dual criminal and civil proceeding and best practice. The session is moderated by Eve Giles of Allen & Overy and Claire Lipworth of Hogan Lovells. Rachna joins fellow speakers Melinka Berridge of Kingsley Napley and Rebecca Chalkley KC of Red Lion Chambers.

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