• 'He is a brilliant advocate' 
    Chambers UK 2023

  • 'He possesses excellent judgement.'
    Chambers UK 2023
  • 'Mark leads from the front as part of a team.'
    Chambers UK 2023 
  • 'What you get with Mark is utter clarity on what the prosecutors are going to be thinking and what counsel are going to be advising their clients.'

    Chambers UK Financial Crime (2024)


Mark Ellison KC

Called to the Bar:1979


  • A highly sought-after top-ranked silk known for his impressive advocacy skills and ability to master the most complex of issues.

    From 1979-1994 Mark's practice was mostly in crime, both defending and prosecuting. He was then appointed Treasury Counsel in 1994 and First Senior Treasury Counsel from 2006-2008. His practice was mainly prosecuting the most serious criminal cases including many murders and cases of terrorism/terrorist funding, bribery and corruption, official secrets, election fraud and public law.

    Corporate & Financial Crime

    After 14 years as Treasury Counsel, from around 2010, Mark’s practice moved back to the realms of defence, as well as continuing to provide strategic advice to prosecuting entities.

    His practice in this area currently focuses most on the private defence of both senior individuals and corporations alleged to have committed offences such as bribery, corruption and other frauds, as well as more technical alleged corporate misconduct.

    He is consistently ranked in Tier 1 in this field, with the market recognising him as a first class strategist and a silk who does much of the detailed preparation himself, meticulously but with ease. He is well known for his judgement and can make the most complex subject seem easy, both in consultation and court. A first class advocate with an ability to know what his opponent is thinking.


    Mark's criminal work focuses on private defence.  He has particular expertise and experience representing corporations and professional individuals in medical and industrial manslaughter.  His cases often involve an international element.

    Private Prosecutions

    Mark’s experience and reputation in prosecution work, both for his role as First Treasury Counsel and for the major and ground breaking work he has done for financial prosecuting entities, means that he is sought-after in this area of work. 

    He has experience privately prosecuting and defending.  Is experience has included blackmail and financial crime.

    Public Law

    Mark’s reputation in this field has gone from strength to strength since Theresa May called on him to carry out an independent review of the work the Metropolitan Police Service had undertaken into allegations of corruption in the original investigation of the into the murder of Stephen Lawrence [HC1038-1,11].

    In addition to his work in Public Inquiries and Reviews, he also acts for prominent interested parties in inquests and on behalf of individuals and corporates seeking remedy via Judicial Review.


    Chambers UK 2025: Financial Crime - Band 1;  Financial Crime: Corporates – Band 1

    Legal 500 2025: Business and Regulatory Crime (Including Global investigations) - Tier 2

    'His security in his own knowledge and experience is incredibly powerful.' Chambers UK Financial Crime: Corporate (2024)

    'What you get with Mark is utter clarity on what the prosecutors are going to be thinking and what counsel are going to be advising their clients.'  Chambers UK Financial Crime (2024)

    'Mark has such a wealth of knowledge and experience. He is thorough and hard-working.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2024)

    'Mark is practical.' 'He is a brilliant advocate.' 'He possesses excellent judgement.' 'Mark leads from the front as part of a team' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2023)

    'He is very bright with a lovely manner.' 'A very charming advocate.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2022)

    'Tough but fair, he has superb command of the facts in a case, and is able to put his case in a succinct and understandable way.' Chambers UK Crime (2021)

    'Mark is a hugely respected criminal silk who is adept at cutting through the issues and delivering clear, unambiguous advice. He demonstrates excellent strategic awareness as well as high-quality advocacy.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2021)

    'A silk with very sound judgment. Intelligently persuasive.' Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (2021)

    ‘An inspirational leader who is very cool-headed. He has huge experience and the ability to analyse complex evidence in order to get down to the nitty gritty.’ Chambers UK Crime (2020)

    ‘A very experienced criminal practitioner who can foresee how the judge will react to particular issues. He gains the confidence of clients and he runs a case hard, taking the winning points without being silly.’  ‘Unparalleled in terms of his user-friendliness, and someone who has really impressive analytical ability. He makes very complex cases seem unbelievably simple.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2020)

    ‘A class act with a fantastic legal brain; judges love him.’ Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (2020)

    ‘Completely down-to-earth and unassuming, but nevertheless one of the most powerful criminal silks around.’ Chambers UK Crime (2019)

    ‘He is fantastic on both sides and his reputation precedes him.’ Chambers High Net Worth (2019)

    ‘A former very senior prosecutor who absolutely understands how to defend; he brings all the insight into how the prosecution is likely to bring a case when tenaciously defending his clients.’ ‘He is excellent on his feet and an excellent strategist.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2019)

    ‘An excellent silk with wide-ranging experience who adds great value to each instruction.’ L500 UK Crime (2018)

    ‘He is the most engaging and hard-working of leaders, and the sort of person who if you were told he was in the case you would jump at it and say you definitely wanted to do it.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2018)

    ‘A true privilege to work with, and someone who is calm and assured.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2018)

    ‘He has a brilliant ability to master very complex cases and transform them into clear issues before the court.’ Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (2017)

    ‘One of the most experienced silks around he’s done it all.’ Legal 500 Financial Crime (2016)


    • 1994-2008:                Treasury Counsel at the Central Criminal Court
    • 1999-2015:                Recorder
    • 2006-2008 :               First Senior Treasury Counsel
    • 2008:                         Queens Counsel 
    • 2009-2012:                Past Chairman of Bar Council Remuneration and Terms of Work & Member of the Professional Practise Committee of the Bar Council 
    • 2008-2012:                Bar Council Representative on the Criminal Justice Council 
    • 2010-2015:                Deputy High Court Judge

    Professional Memberships 

    • Fraud Lawyers Association
    • Health and Safety Lawyers Association
    • Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers
    • Criminal Bar Association


    • LLB (UWIST - Cardiff)

    Privacy Notice

    Recent Cases


    • QEB Hollis Whiteman members involved in Operation Tabernula trial

      Chambers has three members directly involved in what has been called the most high-profile trial of insider dealing prosecuted by the FCA to date. The trial, R v Hind and others, which followed an eight year investigation Operation Tabernula, is being pro...

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman Recognised by Chambers & Partners Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals

       Chambers and Partners released their rankings for Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals and QEB Hollis Whiteman and its members are acknowledged as leaders in the field.Chambers is ranked as Band 1 and nine members of Chambers  are ranked as leader...

    • Mark Ellison QC and Kathryn Hughes act for the FRC in their case against KPMG

      Mark Ellison QC and Kathryn Hughes act for the FRC in 'The Executive Counsel to the FRC v KPMG, Peter Noel Meehan, Alistair Wright, Richard William Kitchen, Adam David Bennett, Pratik Paw, Stuart Peter and James Smith (alongside Nicholas Medcroft QC and <...

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman Recognised by Chambers & Partners Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals

      Chambers and Partners released their rankings for Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals today and QEB Hollis Whiteman and its members are acknowledged as leaders in the field.Chambers is ranked as Band 1 with sources describing us as "a set of chamb...

    • Mark Ellison QC stands down as Head of Chambers. Adrian Darbishire QC and Selva Ramasamy QC elected to replace him as joint Heads of Chambers.

       After leading Chambers for 10 very successful years, Mark Ellison QC will be standing down as Head of Chambers on 30 April 2021. We are extremely grateful for everything Mark Ellison QC has done for us over his two five-year terms.  Chambers has gone fro...

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman ranked in Chambers High Net Worth Guide

      Chambers & Partners’ High Net Worth publication ranks the top lawyers and law firms for international private wealth.Its 2019 edition launched on Thursday 11th June and marks the first time that Chambers HNW has featured barristers who specialise in...

    • Mark Ellison QC is ranked as a Leader in his Field in Crime and Financial Crime in Chambers UK Bar Directory 2018.

      Details of the rankings and commentaries will be published in November 2017 in the Chambers UK Bar Directory 2018. 

    • Consultant Surgeon succeeds in appeal against manslaughter conviction

      Mark Ellison QC, QEB Hollis Whiteman head of chambers, represented David Sellu, consultant surgeon specialising in colorectal medicine, in his successful appeal against his manslaughter conviction.The prosecution has announced that there will be no re-tri...

    • Three QEB Hollis Whiteman Silks selected as leading practitioners by Who's Who Legal

      Mark Ellison QC, William Boyce QC and Adrian Darbishire QC will now feature.

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman members involved in Operation Tabernula trial

      Three members of QEB Hollis Whiteman were directly involved in what was called the most high-profile trial of insider dealing prosecuted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to date.

    • Mark Ellison QC and Adrian Darbishire QC are featured as Specialists in Business Crime Defence in Who's Who Legal 2014

      Who's Who Legal,  which carries out an annual independent assessment of over 16,000 of the world’s leading private practice lawyers in over 100 countries has identified Mark Ellison and Adrian Darbishire as two of the 706 foremost legal practitioner...

    • Secretary of State announces terms of reference for Mark Ellison QC's further review of undercover police activity.

      Secretary of State, Theresa May, today (26 June) advised that Mark Ellison QC will lead the review, supported by Alison Morgan who was his junior counsel during the Lawrence review. Mr Ellison will aim to report his findings to the Attorney General by ...

    • Luton Airport Operations Ltd

      Mark Ellison QC instructed to defend London Luton Airport Operations Ltd in a prosecution brought by the Health and Safety Executive related to a death outside the terminal.

  • Corporate and Financial Crime

    A go-to silk for complex corporate & financial crime. Involved in many high-profile cases in this field, both in the present day and in previous years.


    A practice focused on the private defence of alleged bribery, corruption and other frauds as well as large health and safety cases; he acts for senior individuals and corporates. Mark is consistently ranked in Tier 1 in this field across all industry guides with the market recognising him as a fantastic strategist and a silk who does much of the detailed preparation himself, meticulously but with ease. He has acknowledged solid judgement and can make the most complex subject seem easy, both in consultation and court. A first class advocate with an ability to know what his opponent is thinking. 

    Despite a focus on the defence market, Mark also continues to provide strategic advice to prosecuting entities.


    Mark’s experience in Corporate and Financial crime has spanned the full corporate and financial crime spectrum. 

    He has long been involved with cases arising from the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), HSE investigations and FRC. He advised BP regarding the inquest into the "In Amenas" incident in Algeria; he defended Luton airport on health and safety charges; he defended in the largest ever Alternative Investment Market prosecution; he prosecuted the first "new act" corporate manslaughter; he acted in the Judicial Review brought by the Tchenguiz brothers against the SFO; he defended ex-Lovells partner Christopher Grierson; he advised the FSA (now FCA) in relation to a major insider dealing investigation; he advised Google in relation to its Street View data capture; he defended in the first OFT prosecution for a cartel offence under the Enterprise Act 2002 "Marine Hose"; he prosecuted the biggest case ever brought for share trading abuses in the UK;  and has been involved in multi-disciplinary investigations for corporates.  

    He did this building on the experience he had gleaned from his early career and involvement in: the Guinness share ramping case; the Blue Arrow case; and the North Sea Oil and Channel Tunnel corruption cases. 

    Notable Cases

    R -v- Gunn (Katherine) OP NEBULA 
    The official secrets act case against GCHQ employee Katherine Gunn

    Corruption related to North Sea oil and Channel Tunnel contracts

    Kaupthing Bank Investigation KAU01 
    Advising the SFO regarding its’ investigation around Kaupthing Bank

    FCA: Operation Tabernula 
    ‘Operation Tabernular’ for the Financial Conduct Authority (the biggest insider trading case brought by a city regulator)

    SFO -v- Eurasian Natural Resource Corporation 
    Advising ENRC Ltd during the SFO’s ongoing (now 9 year) continuing criminal investigations

    R (SFO) -v- Lainé (Jean-Daniel) and others (Alstom Network UK Ltd & Michael John Anderson) [ORU01 Operation Ruthenium Phase 3]
    Defending Alstrom’s head of compliance in the Alstrol 3 corruption trial

    Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
    Defending Chevron in a health and safety prosecution related to the 2019 Pembroke Refinery explosion and deaths

    Google Inc
    Advising Google UK regarding its street-view data capture


    Legal 500 2025: Business and Regulatory Crime (Including Global investigations) - Tier 2

    Chambers UK 2024: Financial Crime - Band 1;  Financial Crime: Corporates – Band 1

    Legal 500 2024: Business and Regulatory Crime (Including Global investigations) - Tier 2

    'He is very bright with a lovely manner." "A very charming advocate.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2022)

    'Tough but fair, he has superb command of the facts in a case, and is able to put his case in a succinct and understandable way.' Chambers UK Crime (2021) 

    'Mark is a hugely respected criminal silk who is adept at cutting through the issues and delivering clear, unambiguous advice. He demonstrates excellent strategic awareness as well as high-quality advocacy.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2021)

    'A silk with very sound judgment. Intelligently persuasive.' Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (2021)

    ‘A very experienced criminal practitioner who can foresee how the judge will react to particular issues. He gains the confidence of clients and he runs a case hard, taking the winning points without being silly.’ ‘Unparalleled in terms of his user-friendliness, and someone who has really impressive analytical ability. He makes very complex cases seem unbelievably simple.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2020)

    ‘A class act with a fantastic legal brain; judges love him.’ Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (2020)

    ‘A former very senior prosecutor who absolutely understands how to defend; he brings all the insight into how the prosecution is likely to bring a case when tenaciously defending his clients.’ ‘He is excellent on his feet and an excellent strategist.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2019)

    ‘He is fantastic on both sides and his reputation precedes him.’ Chambers High Net Worth (2019)

    ‘He is the most engaging and hard-working of leaders, and the sort of person who if you were told he was in the case you would jump at it and say you definitely wanted to do it.’ Chambers UK (2018) 

    ‘A true privilege to work with, and someone who is calm and assured.’ Chambers UK (2018)

    ‘He has a brilliant ability to master very complex cases and transform them into clear issues before the court.’ Legal 500 (2017)

    ‘Extremely hard working, he takes it upon himself to do a lot of detailed preparation. He's a fantastic all-rounder and a pleasure to work with as he's delightful and easy-going. Has great commercial judgement.’ Chambers UK (2017)

    ‘He is a very experienced prosecutor and brings that to bear brilliantly when defending.’ Legal 500 (2017)

    ‘A fabulous trial lawyer.’ Chambers UK (2016)

    ‘Smart, meticulous and has first-class judgement.’ Chambers UK (2016)

    ‘A fantastic strategist and real team player.’ Legal 500 (2016)

    ‘One of the most experienced silks around he’s done it all.’ Legal 500 (2016)

    ‘He is a first-class advocate and highly aware of what the other side is thinking. He takes a calm, intelligent approach to problems.’ Chambers UK (2015) 

    ‘Bright and authoritative.’ Legal 500 (2015)

    ‘An impressive strategist who comes up with practical solutions.’ Legal 500 (2015)

    Recent Cases


    • QEB Hollis Whiteman Recognised by Chambers & Partners Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals

       Chambers and Partners released their rankings for Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals and QEB Hollis Whiteman and its members are acknowledged as leaders in the field.Chambers is ranked as Band 1 and nine members of Chambers  are ranked as leader...

    • Mark Ellison QC and Kathryn Hughes act for the FRC in their case against KPMG

      Mark Ellison QC and Kathryn Hughes act for the FRC in 'The Executive Counsel to the FRC v KPMG, Peter Noel Meehan, Alistair Wright, Richard William Kitchen, Adam David Bennett, Pratik Paw, Stuart Peter and James Smith (alongside Nicholas Medcroft QC and <...

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman Recognised by Chambers & Partners Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals

      Chambers and Partners released their rankings for Financial Crime: High Net Worth Individuals today and QEB Hollis Whiteman and its members are acknowledged as leaders in the field.Chambers is ranked as Band 1 with sources describing us as "a set of chamb...

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman ranked in Chambers High Net Worth Guide

      Chambers & Partners’ High Net Worth publication ranks the top lawyers and law firms for international private wealth.Its 2019 edition launched on Thursday 11th June and marks the first time that Chambers HNW has featured barristers who specialise in...

    • Three QEB Hollis Whiteman Silks selected as leading practitioners by Who's Who Legal

      Mark Ellison QC, William Boyce QC and Adrian Darbishire QC will now feature.

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman members involved in Operation Tabernula trial

      Three members of QEB Hollis Whiteman were directly involved in what was called the most high-profile trial of insider dealing prosecuted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to date.

  • Mark is a former First Treasury Counsel now with a practice more focused on private defence; his strategic skills and advocacy are unrivalled.


    After 14 years as Treasury Counsel prosecuting serious criminal cases including murder, terrorism and terrorist funding, bribery and corruption, and official secrets, Mark’s practice has moved into the realms of defence.

    His criminal work is currently focused on private defence particularly of professionals and more specifically in medical and industrial manslaughter cases often with an international element.


    Throughout his career Mark has been at the forefront of many high-profile and legally ground-breaking cases. This has included prosecuting Gary Dobson and David Norris for the murder of Stephen Lawrence in the 2012 trial which followed the Court of Appeal quashing Dobson’s original acquittal after the laws on double jeopardy had changed. Mark dealt with this case from the Court of Appeal stages through to the subsequent Independent Review into possible corruption and the role of undercover policing. Theresa May, the then Home Secretary, commissioned the Review which is known as The Ellison Review.

    Mark’s reputation means that he is often called upon to take criminal cases to the highest tiers of the Court system. He represented a respected colorectal surgeon, in his successful appeal against conviction for the manslaughter of a patient by gross negligence.

    Mark is also called upon to advise prominent figures in other jurisdictions. He was instructed to advise a QC in the Bahamas in relation to multiple risks and legal issues.

    Notable Cases

    R v David Sellu [2016] EWCA Crim 1716
    Advised and represented a respected colorectal surgeon, in his successful appeal against conviction for the manslaughter of a patient by gross negligence.

    Bahamas (2015)
    Instructed to advise a senior lawyer in the Caribbean in relation to the investigation of on-going threats and intimidation.

    R v Dobson & Norris (2012)
    Prosecuted the two men convicted of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, in the 2012 trial. Mr Ellison also conducted the subsequent report published in 2014 by the Home Office. Read the Ellison Report here.

    R v Sudanshu Garg [2012] EWCA Crim 2520
    The Court of Appeal, the LCJ presiding, handed down guidance to sentences dealing with gross medical negligence manslaughter cases. Sudanshu Garg was the first such case to come before the courts since the Criminal Justice Act 2003 required greater emphasis to be given to the harm caused by an offence.

    R - v - Allison (Bryan)
    Defending in the OFT’s first criminal cartel conviction

    R -V- Strachan (Ian) & Mcguigan (sean) (Royal Blackmail)
    Blackmail of a member of the Royal Family

    R -V- NOYE (K.J)
    Kenneth Noye’s conviction for murder

    R -V- COPELAND D, .G
    The nail-bombing of the Admiral Duncan PH in Soho by David Copeland

    Samuel Tak Lee -v- Fuk Fei Wu - Private Prosecution
    Conducting a private prosecution for fraud and blackmail

    R -v- London Luton Airport Operations Limited & C-T Aviations Solutions Limited
    Defending Luton Airport in a health and safety prosecution regarding a death on-sight

    R -v- Geotechnical Holdings Ltd and Peter Eaton
    The prosecution the first ‘new act’ corporate manslaughter case


    'He is very bright with a lovely manner." "A very charming advocate.' Chambers UK (2022)

    'Tough but fair, he has superb command of the facts in a case, and is able to put his case in a succinct and understandable way.' Chambers UK Crime (2021)

    'A silk with very sound judgment. Intelligently persuasive.' Legal 500 (2021) 

    ‘An inspirational leader who is very cool-headed. He has huge experience and the ability to analyse complex evidence in order to get down to the nitty gritty.’ Chambers UK Crime (2020)

    ‘Completely down-to-earth and unassuming, but nevertheless one of the most powerful criminal silks around.’ Chambers UK Crime (2019)

    ‘An excellent silk with wide-ranging experience who adds great value to each instruction.’ Legal 500 UK Crime (2018)

    ‘A phenomenal advocate with a tremendous reputation.’ Chambers UK (2018)

    ‘He is a consummate prosecutor - he designed the strategy for a very, very difficult case and proved himself to be a superb advocate, a fantastic strategist, and someone who is extremely hardworking. He's a fantastic all-rounder and a pleasure to work with; he's really delightful. He's very effective and an extremely likeable and popular guy.’ Chambers UK (2017)

    ‘He is incredibly hardworking and very effective, and has great command of the details.’ Chambers UK (2016)

    ‘A Leader of the bar.’ Chambers UK (2016)

    ‘He is wonderfully user-friendly and is just streets ahead of everyone else intellectually.’ Chambers UK (2015)

    ‘He is an exceptionally bright and talented QC, who is fun to work with.’ Chambers UK (2015)

    ‘Gets right to the heart of the issue.’ Legal 500 (2015)

    Recent Cases

    • A 25 year old man who stabbed two police officers in central London has been convicted of attempted murder.Mohammed Rahman became violent when he was approached by police officers over a street robbery with a knife.  Two female officers approached him, he...

    • Mark Ellison QC was instructed to provide a legal opinion as to the merits of the Electoral Commission’s referral to the National Crime Squad on behalf of a high profile businessman and campaigner. The matter concluded w

    • Mark Ellison QC represented David Sellu, consultant surgeon specialising in colorectal medicine, in his successful appeal against his manslaughter conviction.

    • Ben FitzGerald acted as junior prosecution counsel, together with Mark Ellison QC, in this historic murder case.


  • Mark Ellison KC presents and defends across various professional disciplinary tribunals.


    In 2020 -2021, Mark advised the Royal Military Police in relation to its investigation of alleged wrongdoing by British soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Most recently in 2021-2022 he led the Financial Reporting Council’s counsel team in the FRC’s case against KPMG LLP and five KPMG employees regarding the creation of false/misleading documents that were presented as genuine to the FRC Audit  Quality Review team inspecting their work.

    Mark's background is in presenting and defending medical professional discipline cases.  His criminal work frequently extends to the representation of professionals; he is adept at transcending all strands of parallel proceedings.  

    Recent Cases


    • Consultant Surgeon succeeds in appeal against manslaughter conviction

      Mark Ellison QC, QEB Hollis Whiteman head of chambers, represented David Sellu, consultant surgeon specialising in colorectal medicine, in his successful appeal against his manslaughter conviction.The prosecution has announced that there will be no re-tri...

  • Private Prosecutions

    Former First Treasury Counsel and prominent prosecutor now recognised as a leading figure in the field of Private Prosecutions.


    Mark’s experience and reputation in prosecution work both for his role as First Treasury Counsel and for the major and ground-breaking work he has done for financial prosecuting entities, means that he is sought-after in this area of work. 


    Mark’s skillset has placed him as the natural choice for private individuals and entities seeking resolution, often in the face of the State’s inertia. His involvement has helped to provide effective remedies for victims of crime, particularly in the financial and corporate crime forum; Mark has advised and conducted private prosecutions brought by a private individual and private entities, covering blackmail, financial market abuse, and cartel offences.

    Notable Cases

    Re - Cartel Offence 
    Private prosecution brought by the Competition and Markets Authority. Mark Ellison QC advised and represented the CMA.

    R v Wu
    Mark Ellison QC represented the private prosecutor, billionaire Samuel Tak Lee, in relation to an alleged blackmail of him.


    'He is very bright with a lovely manner." "A very charming advocate.' Chambers UK (2022)

    'Mark is a hugely respected criminal silk who is adept at cutting through the issues and delivering clear, unambiguous advice. He demonstrates excellent strategic awareness as well as high-quality advocacy.' Chambers UK (2021)

    'A silk with very sound judgment. Intelligently persuasive.' Legal 500 (2021)

    ‘An inspirational leader who is very cool-headed. He has huge experience and the ability to analyse complex evidence in order to get down to the nitty gritty.’ Chambers UK (2020)

    ‘A former very senior prosecutor who absolutely understands how to defend; he brings all the insight into how the prosecution is likely to bring a case when tenaciously defending his clients.’ ‘He is excellent on his feet and an excellent strategist.’ Chambers UK (2019)

    ‘An excellent silk with wide-ranging experience who adds great value to each instruction.’ Legal 500 UK (2018)

    ‘Extremely hard working, he takes it upon himself to do a lot of detailed preparation. He's a fantastic all-rounder and a pleasure to work with as he's delightful and easy-going. Has great commercial judgement.’ Chambers UK (2017)

    ‘He is a very experienced prosecutor and brings that to bear brilliantly when defending.’ Legal 500 (2017)

    ‘Smart, meticulous and has first-class judgement.’ Chambers UK (2016)

    ‘He is wonderfully user-friendly and is just streets ahead of everyone else intellectually.’ Chambers UK (2015)


    • QEB Hollis Whiteman ranked in Chambers High Net Worth Guide

      Chambers & Partners’ High Net Worth publication ranks the top lawyers and law firms for international private wealth.Its 2019 edition launched on Thursday 11th June and marks the first time that Chambers HNW has featured barristers who specialise in...

  • Inquests, Inquiries and Public Law

    Meticulous, strategic, intelligent and authoritative; Mark Ellison KC is regularly instructed to lead and represent participants in Inquiries, Inquests and Judicial Reviews.


    Mark’s reputation in this field has gone from strength to strength since Theresa May’s commission of The Ellison Review, the independent Inquiry into corruption and the role of undercover policing surrounding the Investigation into the Stephen Lawrence murder.

    In addition to his work in Public Inquiries and Reviews he also acts for prominent interested parties in inquests and on behalf of individuals and corporates seeking remedy via Judicial Review.


    Following the Ellison Review Mark has been involved in numerous inquests. He has been instructed to represent individuals and, mainly, corporates at inquests often following industrial accidents; Mark has recently represented both Chevron and BP.

    He is a prominent advocate at the High Court, often engaged to advise and act in Judicial Reviews; he represented the Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) in the Tchenguiz brothers’ Judicial Review of their arrests and the searches of their homes and offices in raids by the SFO.

    Notable Cases

    R (Rawlinson & Hunter Trustees & Others) v Central Criminal Court, Director of the SFO and Vincent Tchenguiz [2012] EWHC 2254 (Admin)
    Acted for the Director of the Serious Fraud Office in this Judicial Review.

    Independent Review of Police Corruption in the Stephen Lawrence Cases
    Conducted the review and author of the report. Read the Ellison report here.

    Advisory Panel for Historic Investigations from Iraq
    Advising the MOD regarding historical allegations related to service conduct in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Inquest into the deaths in an explosion at the Chevron Refinery in Pembrokeshire (inquest opened in 2015)
    Mark Ellison QC Instructed to act for Chevron Corporation in relation to a joint police and HSE investigation into the explosion at its Pembroke Refinery in 2011.

    Inquest into the death of Kane Sparham-Price (2015)
    Mark Ellison QC acted for Wonga UK after a teenage boy committed suicide.

    In Amenas Inquest (2015)
    Mark Ellison QC gave pre-inquest advice to British Petroleum in connection with the deaths of UK nationals.


    'He is very bright with a lovely manner." "A very charming advocate.' Chambers UK (2022)

    'Tough but fair, he has superb command of the facts in a case, and is able to put his case in a succinct and understandable way.' Chambers UK (2021)

    'A silk with very sound judgment. Intelligently persuasive.' Legal 500 (2021)

    ‘An inspirational leader who is very cool-headed. He has huge experience and the ability to analyse complex evidence in order to get down to the nitty gritty.’ Chambers UK (2020)

    ‘An excellent silk with wide-ranging experience who adds great value to each instruction.’ Legal 500 UK (2018)

    ‘A true privilege to work with, and someone who is calm and assured.’ Chambers UK (2018)

    ‘He has a brilliant ability to master very complex cases and transform them into clear issues before the court.’ Legal 500 (2017)

    ‘He is an exceptionally bright and talented QC, who is fun to work with.’ Chambers UK (2015)

    ‘An impressive strategist who comes up with practical solutions.’ Legal 500 (2015)

    Recent Cases