• 'Selva's mastery of detail is incredible. If there is a really complex case which is factually difficult and incredibly detailed - those 'unwinnable' cases - Selva's the man for it. He pulls rabbits out of hats.' Chambers UK 2024

  • 'He is incredibly good at navigating a positive result out of very complex factual circumstances.'
    Chambers UK 2023
  • 'Selva is a fantastic tactician, who is incredibly smart. He will find an angle on a case that you don't know is there and succeed with it.'  Chambers UK 2023
  • 'Selva is really excellent. He has real authority and gravitas.' Chambers UK 2023


Selva Ramasamy KC

Called to the Bar:1992


  • Selva Ramasamy KC has been at the top of every field he has operated in. Astonishingly bright, forensically astute, a master of the complex, he "glides around the courtroom" "making it all look so easy".

    Chambers UK Bar Awards 2023: Nominated for Professional Discipline Silk of the Year. 

    Legal 500 Bar Awards 2024: Nominated for Professional Disciplinary Silk of the Year.

    Selva is joint Head of Chambers. He is also Head of Chambers' Regulatory practice group

    Corporate & Financial Crime 

    Selva Ramasamy KC has a long established and impressive practice in the field of corporate and financial crime.  He is a specialist in cases involving corporates and professionals under investigation and charged in criminal, regulatory and disciplinary proceedings. He is therefore able to provide advice and representation in cases involving concurrent criminal and regulatory investigation, taking into account the specific forensic needs of both types of investigation.


    The foundation of Selva Ramasamy’s career is in general and serious crime.  He has since become a specialist in cases involving professionals charged in criminal proceedings of all types although sexual allegations and matters relating to fraud regularly feature. He is favoured by those who need forensic understanding of complex scientific and technical issues.  Clients love his calm and reassuring manner and his commitment to leaving no stone unturned to secure the best result for them.


    Selva has over 25 years of experience in regulatory law. He is often involved in the most serious types of regulatory cases which involve concurrent investigation by the police and regulators. Given his wide experience in criminal law, he is able to provide advice and representation across both spheres, taking into account the specific forensic needs of both types of investigation.

    Selva was the Legal Advisor to the General Medical Council’s Review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide, an independent review into how each of these serious offences is applied to medical practice. 

    To read the report in full, please see the GMC's website.

    Selva is Head of Chambers’ Regulatory practice group.

    Private Prosecutions

    Selva Ramasamy has significant experience in conducting private criminal prosecutions, particularly on behalf of professional regulatory bodies.  He has been an innovator of private prosecutions arising from the regulatory field, conducting the very first private prosecutions for a variety of significant regulators.  He has also advised and acted for individuals and corporates, advising on the merits of a prosecution and conducting subsequent cases.

    Public Law

    Selva’s substantial practice in regulatory law brings with it inevitable experience in the fields of inquests, inquiries and cases involving challenges in the High Court. He has considerable experience with difficult and sensitive inquests arising from medical, police and military action, where he draws on his skills in dealing with complex scientific and technical evidence.


    Chambers UK 2025: Professional Discipline – Band 1; Financial Crime – Band 3.

    Legal 500 2025: Professional Disciplinary and Regulatory Law - Tier 2; Business and Regulatory Crime (Including Global Investigations) - Tier 3; Inquests and Inquiries - Tier 4

    Legal 500 Bar Awards 2023: Nominated for Professional Disciplinary and Regulatory Silk of the Year

    'Selva's mastery of detail is incredible. If there is a really complex case which is factually difficult and incredibly detailed - those 'unwinnable' cases - Selva's the man for it. He pulls rabbits out of hats.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2024)

    'He is composure personified. Selva is able to empathise but then take the heat out of the situation and just hold the client's hand through what is probably the most stressful thing they're ever going to experience. I can't imagine going to anyone else.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2024)

    'He is charming, has good gravitas and is pleasant to work with.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2024)

    'He has a very good manner with the jury and is very hard-working.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2024)

    'Selva is a fantastic tactician, who is incredibly smart. He will find an angle on a case that you don't know is there and succeed with it.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2023)

    'He is incredibly good at navigating a positive result out of very complex factual circumstances.' 'Selva is really excellent. He has real authority and gravitas.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2023)

    ‘Selva is incredibly bright, very thorough and has great attention to detail. His advocacy is impressive – very measured and clear. He is a pleasure to work with!‘ Legal 500 Professional Disciplinary and Regulatory Law (2023) 

    ‘Extremely bright, with astounding knowledge of the law in this field. He is able to navigate solutions with a good strategic sense.’ Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (Including Global Investigations) 2023

    'A calming yet authoritative influence on any case, who is extremely thorough in his preparation.' 'He is calm, measured and focused in his preparation of cases even with difficult clients, and a very effective advocate.' 'An excellent barrister who is extremely experienced, very thorough, dedicated and bright. He is an amazing advocate.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2022)

    'He is very calm and thoughtful - juries like him.' 'He is very conscious of getting the best outcome for clients.' 'He is amazing - such an experienced and well-versed criminal advocate.' 'A lovely mixture of intelligence and charm. He doesn't give up.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2022)

    'Selva is at the top of the game in this field and commands the respect of panels and opponents alike. A brilliant mind coupled with an understated, but fiendishly clever and curated approach to cases means that Selva always secures the best possible results for clients.' Legal 500 Professional Discipline and Regulatory (2022)

    'Extremely bright, with astounding knowledge of the law in this field. He is able to navigate solutions with a good strategic sense,' Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (2022) 

    'An all-round excellent barrister. Clients love him and solicitors rate him.' 'As an opponent he is robust and formidable but he is very fair. He is a class act.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2021)

    'His energy and understanding of the detail is excellent.' 'He is an excellent tactician and jury advocate.' 'He is very calm and measured.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2021)

    'He has in-depth experience with cases at the interface of regulatory and criminal law so is well-suited for cases that may have commenced as a regulatory matter but face the risk of becoming a criminal prosecution.' Legal 500 Professional Disciplinary and Regulatory Law (2021)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of the facts in every case.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2020)

    ‘He has a very good way with clients and is excellent on his feet in court.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2020)

    ‘His advice is practical and pragmatic.’ Legal 500 Fraud: Crime (2020)

    ‘He leaves no stone unturned when fighting his client's corner.’ Legal 500 Professional Discipline and Regulatory Law (2020)

    ‘Particularly impresses with the thoroughness of his preparation.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2019)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of the facts in every case.’ ‘A charming, smooth advocate whom juries trust and have confidence in.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2019)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of facts in every case – no stone is unturned.’ Legal 500 Fraud: Crime (2018)

    ‘Panels appreciate the lengths he goes to explain the cases.’ Legal 500 Professional Discipline and Regulatory Law (2018)

    ‘His tactical acumen is astounding.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2018)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of facts in every case. No stone is left unturned.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2018)

    ‘A consummate professional. Always thoroughly prepared, very personable and an excellent advocate.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2018)

    ‘Incredibly able and extremely calm, he glides around the courtroom... He's extremely thorough, very responsive and has very sound judgement. He is very pleasant to work with too.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2017)

    ‘He's very good, extremely experienced and very calm under pressure. He's very adept at cross-examination and it takes a lot to ruffle him. He's one of the most polished advocates out there: suave without being pretentious.’ Chambers UK Crime (2017)


    • Recorder (2009-)
    • LTA Judicial Panel 
    • Member of the Bar Standards Board Prosecuting Counsel Panel for Disciplinary Hearings (2009-2019)
    • Elected Member of the Bar Council (1997-2000)
    • Member of the Criminal Bar Association Committee (1997-2000 and 2008-2009)
    • Member of the Bar’s Race Relations Committee (1997-2000)
    • Bencher, Inner Temple

    Professional Memberships

    • Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers
    • British Association of Sport and Law
    • Criminal Bar Association
    • Health and Safety Lawyers Association
    • Public Access Bar Association – PABA


    • LL.B (London)
    • LL.M (London)


    Recent Cases


    • Selva Ramasamy KC and Deepika Raino (Brabners) speak on Public Interest Disclosures for Doctors

      Selva Ramasamy KC (QEB Hollis Whiteman) and Deepika Raino (Brabners Solicitors) were invited to speak at a medico-legal seminar convened by the National MMSA (Medication to Manage Sexual Arousal) Prescribers Network.Selva and Deepika had been invited to a...

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman chambers and four of its members have been shortlisted across eight categories in the Legal 500 UK Bar Awards 2024

       QEB Hollis Whiteman chambers and four of its members have been shortlisted across eight categories in the Legal 500 UK Bar Awards 2024.We are delighted to have been nominated in the following categories: Corporate Crime: Silk of the year – Adri...

    • London International Disputes Week: Selva Ramasamy KC joins to discuss and analyse the implications of Nick Ephgrave CPM's new approach as Director of the SFO.

      On Wednesday the 5th of June 2024, QEB Hollis Whiteman, together with Kingsley Napley, Osborne Clarke, and Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, are hosted a session during London International Disputes Week (LIDW) 2024 on "A New Aggressive Dawn in UK Corporate C...

    • Selva Ramasamy KC, Orla Daly and Fallon Alexis nominated in the Chambers UK Bar Awards 2023

      We are delighted to announce that three members of QEB Hollis Whiteman have been shortlisted for an award in this year's Chambers UK Bar Awards.  ...

    • Selva Ramasamy KC elected as new Governing Master of the Bench

       We are delighted to announce that Selva Ramasamy KC has been elected as one of the new Governing Masters of the Bench of The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple for 2023.The full list of the new Governing Benchers can be found HERE.Congratulations to ...

    • Legal 500 Awards Nominations 2023

       QEB Hollis Whiteman have been nominated in 6 categories in the Legal 500 Awards: Financial Crime Set of the Year Corporate Crime Set of the Year Professional disciplinary and regulatory Set of the Year Professional disciplinary and regulatory s...

    • Selva Ramasamy KC attends 10 Downing Street to discuss inclusion in tennis

       On 12 July 2023, Selva Ramasamy KC was one of a number of representatives from across tennis who visited 10 Downing Street to discuss ways to open tennis up to more people. Selva is a member of the Lawn Tennis Association’s Board level Inclusion an...

    • Selva Ramasamy KC has been appointed as a member of the Lawn Tennis Association's Independent Judicial Panel

      We are pleased to announce that Selva Ramasamy KC has been appointed as a member of the Lawn Tennis Association's (LTA) Independent Judicial Panel. Members of the Judicial Panel are appointed to form individual independent tribunals to hear cases under th...

    • Selva Ramasamy KC has been appointed as a member of the Lawn Tennis Association's Board-level Inclusion and Diversity Advisory Group.

      The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) has announced the launch of a Board level Inclusion and Diversity Advisory Group (IDAG), comprising eight expert individuals from the inclusion sector who, between them, have a wealth of experience in this sector. The est...

    • Is it Fair to Refer?

      The recent case of Dr Arora, an Indian qualified female doctor, has once again shone a spotlight on the fairness of fitness to practise investigations, and has again highlighted concerns about the discrimination which appears to exist in the referral and ...

    • QEB Hollis Whiteman Breaks Down Barriers With The 10K Black Interns Scheme

      QEB Hollis Whiteman are delighted to have participated in the inaugural 10,000 Black Interns scheme (aka "10KBI”) at the Bar this year.When we first heard about the scheme, we were excited to get involved and assist with shaping the programme. We ar...

    • Selva Ramasamy QC invited to speak at the British Medical Association (BMA) Medico-legal conference

      Selva Ramasamy QC has been invited to speak at the British Medical Association (BMA) Medico-legal conference, to be held Thursday 7th July, between 9:15 AM – 16:40 PM at BMA House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JP. Selva will be speaking on the to...

    • A Public Inquiry into Covid-19. A Series of Discussions Hosted by QEBHW Part 1: The NHS - Might the Hand-clapping Turn to Finger-pointing?

      This is the first of a series of podcasts by QEB Hollis Whiteman looking at the topic of a public inquiry into Covid -19 from a variety of perspectives.We start with the medical profession. In this podcast we will discuss the pandemic-related issues that ...

    • Mark Ellison QC stands down as Head of Chambers. Adrian Darbishire QC and Selva Ramasamy QC elected to replace him as joint Heads of Chambers.

       After leading Chambers for 10 very successful years, Mark Ellison QC will be standing down as Head of Chambers on 30 April 2021. We are extremely grateful for everything Mark Ellison QC has done for us over his two five-year terms.  Chambers has gone fro...

    • Thurs 16th July

      QEB Hollis Whiteman, in collaboration with SKRINE, will present a webinar on the practical insights needed to keep organisations compliant with s. 17A MACC Act.Malaysia’s corporate liability law is modelled on the UK Bribery Act 2010. The experience...

    • Selva Ramasamy QC to speak at the Disciplinary and Regulatory Tribunals Conference 2020

      Selva Ramasamy QC will be a key speaker at this annual conference.Selva will be speaking on developments in relation to gross negligence manslaughter, following on from the GMC’s review of such cases.NB This conference has been postponed due to Covi...

    • Selva Ramasamy QC invited to attend the Bennet Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

      Selva Ramasamy QC was invited to attend the Bennett Institute's workshop on "Policy Lessons from Catastrophic Events".Cambridge University’s Bennett Institute for Public Policy was founded in 2018 and has as its stated aim: "to become a world-leader...

    • Selva Ramasamy QC speaks at Regulation of Healthcare Professionals Conference 2019

      The conference is designed to provide updates on statutory, jurisprudential, procedural and other developments.

    • GMC's Gross Negligence Manslaughter Review is published - Selva Ramasamy QC

      Selva Ramasamy QC acted as Legal Advisor to the General Medical Council’s (GMC) Review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide, an independent review into how each of these serious offences is applied to medical practice. You can read...

    • Congratulations to Edward Henry and Selva Ramasamy who have been appointed Queen's Counsel

      QEB Hollis Whiteman is delighted to announce that Edward Henry and Selva Ramasamy have been appointed Queen's Counsel. They were formally appointed as Silks on 26th February 2018.

    • Selva Ramasamy is ranked as a Leader in his Field in Financial Crime and Professional Discipline in Chambers UK Bar Directory 2018.

      Details of the rankings and commentaries will be published in November 2017 in the Chambers UK Bar Directory 2018.

    • Selva Ramasamy and Tom Coke-Smyth speak at Army Professional Training Conference

      Selva Ramasamy and Tom Coke-Smyth spoke on the topic of disciplinary proceedings at the Army Legal Service's Annual Professional Training conference. The conference was attended by the officers of the ALS and the heads of the military legal organisations ...

    • Selva Ramasamy appears at inquest into death on board warship

      Selva Ramasamy represented the family of Lt. Joshua Woodhouse at the Inquest into his death. Lt Woodhouse died in a fall from height while serving aboard HMS Ocean, a Royal Navy helicopter carrier, in port in the USA.The Jury returned a narrative verdict ...

    • GDC v Hill & PW Healthcare

      S. Ramasamy, instructed by Field Fisher WaterhouseThese were the first prosecutions of companies and individuals for commercial tooth whitening.The GDC had received a number of complaints from members of the public and dental professionals which raised co...



  • Corporate and Financial Crime

    A barrister who stands out for his mastery of the detail, fantastic intellect and tactical acumen, Selva Ramasamy KC has extensive experience in the fields of corporate and financial crime.


    Selva Ramasamy has a long established and impressive practice in the field of corporate and financial crime.  He is a specialist in cases involving corporates and professionals under investigation and charged in criminal, regulatory and disciplinary proceedings. He is therefore able to provide advice and representation in cases involving concurrent criminal and regulatory investigation, taking into account the specific forensic needs of both types of investigation.


    Selva Ramasamy has operated in the field of corporate and financial crime for more than 2 decades. 

    He has substantial expertise in cases of fraud involving banks, companies, financial advisers and share dealing and has experience of both the criminal and regulatory aspects of financial crime.

    Selva is recognised for his experience in representing and prosecuting professionals.  He is well known for his knowledge of the healthcare sector and has acted in cases involving health professionals accused of financial irregularity or other serious commercial wrongdoing. He has considerable experience in prosecutions brought under the Legal Services Act and the Solicitors Act against persons pretending to be lawyers.

    Selva has prosecuted and defended companies in a wide range of areas, including serious breaches of health and safety legislation and breaches in relation to the supply of services such as tooth whitening and private security services to the public.

    Recent cases have included: defending an actress and producer in the first prosecution for fraudulent claims for film tax credit; defending a sub-postmaster accused of trading in counterfeit stamps; defending a CEO in a prosecution for making misleading statements to the market in the largest fraud on the Alternative investment Market; defending a pharmacist in a case involving brand equalisation and illicit distribution of medicines; and privately prosecuting a commercial lawyer for misleading the public and legal professionals, whilst making financial gain.

    Recognised and recommended by market leaders, he is meticulous, ruthlessly hardworking and a devastatingly incisive advocate.  His calm manner makes him the client’s choice.

    Notable Cases

    Discovery Land v SJ (2022-2023, Southwark Crown Court)

    Selva Ramasamy KC acted for a solicitor who pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud by abuse of position in relation to £10.3 million intended to be used by his clients to buy a Scottish castle.

    Legal proceedings dated back to 2019, when in civil proceedings in the High Court to trace and recover the clients’ money, SJ was jailed for 14 months for contempt of court for breaching undertakings to disclose its whereabouts. At the time, Mr Justice Zacaroli directed that the case papers be sent to the CPS. When the police and the CPS declined to act, US property development company Discovery Land brought a private prosecution. 

    Selva was instructed by Steven Bird of Birds Solicitors.

    PSR v Sulion LTD (2021)
    Selva Ramasamy KC and Tom Broomfield represented Sulion Limited in an investigation conducted by the Payment Systems Regulator (“PSR”) into cartel activity in the UK pre-paid cards market. The investigation was opened in October 2017. Following searches in February 2018, the PSR announced its provisional findings in March 2021. All parties settled during the course of the investigation.

    R v N and S (2017 - 2018)
    Selva defended an entrepreneur against allegations of fraudulent removal of property prior to winding up (s.206 Insolvency Act).

    Financial Conduct Authority v X and Y (2017)
    X and Y were founding partners of a firm authorised by the FCA to provide personal investment advice - after protracted proceedings, the FCA banned X and Y from working in financial services for integrity failings.

    Re Ivanov and Avtonoshkin (2013-2017)
    Selva Ramasamy represented the owner and the director of the Faberge Museum in Baden-Baden, Germany, after HRMC seized a large quantity of valuable antiques bought at auction in London. Selva advised over the course of a four year investigation in the UK and Germany in relation to allegations of VAT irregularities.


    Legal 500 2025:  Business and Regulatory Crime (Including Global Investigations) - Tier 3

    Chambers UK 2024: Financial Crime – Band 3.

    'He is incredibly good at navigating a positive result out of very complex factual circumstances.' 'Selva is really excellent. He has real authority and gravitas.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2023)

    ‘Extremely bright, with astounding knowledge of the law in this field. He is able to navigate solutions with a good strategic sense.’ Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (Including Global Investigations) 2023

    'He is very calm and thoughtful - juries like him.' 'He is very conscious of getting the best outcome for clients.' 'He is amazing - such an experienced and well-versed criminal advocate.' 'A lovely mixture of intelligence and charm. He doesn't give up.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2022)

    'Extremely bright, with astounding knowledge of the law in this field. He is able to navigate solutions with a good strategic sense.' Legal 500 Business and Regulatory Crime (2022)

    'His energy and understanding of the detail is excellent.' 'He is an excellent tactician and jury advocate.' 'He is very calm and measured.' Chambers UK Financial Crime (2021)

    ‘He has a very good way with clients and is excellent on his feet in court.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2020)

    ‘His advice is practical and pragmatic.’ Legal 500 Fraud: Crime (2020)

    ‘Particularly impresses with the thoroughness of his preparation.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2019)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of facts in every case – no stone is unturned.’ Legal 500 Fraud: Crime (2018)

    ‘His tactical acumen is astounding.’ Chambers UK Financial Crime (2018)

    ‘He's very good, extremely experienced and very calm under pressure. He's very adept at cross-examination and it takes a lot to ruffle him. He's one of the most polished advocates out there: suave without being pretentious.’ Chambers UK Crime (2017)

    Recent Cases


  • Selva Ramasamy KC is known for his calm approach, sound judgement and polished advocacy; he "glides around the courtroom" and his cross examinations are "devastatingly incisive." He is recognised for his commitment to "getting to the bottom of the case". 


    The foundation of Selva's career is in general and serious crime.  He has since become a specialist in cases involving professionals charged in criminal proceedings of all types although sexual allegations and matters relating to fraud regularly feature. He is favoured by those who need forensic understanding of complex scientific and technical issues.  Clients love his calm and reassuring manner and his commitment to leaving no stone unturned to secure the best result for them.


    Drawing on over 20 years of experience in the criminal courts, Selva acts in cases of general crime. Through his substantial experience in the regulatory field, he has developed a strong practice defending health professionals in cases involving allegations of sexual assault and fraud. In the recent past he has also represented other professionals facing criminal charges such as blackmail and assault. He also acts in driving cases.

    Recent criminal cases include defending a doctor against allegations of sexual assault; defending an osteopath against allegations of historical sexual assault; SRA private prosecutions under the Solicitors Act and the Legal Services Act; defending an actress/ producer in the first prosecution for fraudulent claims for film tax credit; defending a sub-postmaster accused of trading in counterfeit stamps, defending a CEO in a prosecution for making misleading statements to the market in the largest fraud on the Alternative Investment Market; and defending a doctor against an allegation of sexual assault against another doctor. 

    Notable Cases

    R v Coventry & Others (2018)
    Selva defended Keith Coventry in St Albans Crown Court in this multi-handed case involving a death by stabbing.

    R v MR (2017)
    Selva defended a HMRC officer facing allegations of possession of offensive weapons.

    R V X (2016)
    Selva defended a solicitor charged with blackmail arising out of text messages sent to a former partner. 

    R v Dr M (2016)
    Selva successfully defended a doctor charged with sexual assault on a trainee doctor. 

    R v Madden (2013)
    Selva defended Aoife Madden, an actress and film producer accused of film tax fraud.


    'He is very calm and thoughtful - juries like him.' 'He is very conscious of getting the best outcome for clients.' 'He is amazing - such an experienced and well-versed criminal advocate.' 'A lovely mixture of intelligence and charm. He doesn't give up.' Chambers UK (2022)

    'His energy and understanding of the detail is excellent.' 'He is an excellent tactician and jury advocate.' 'He is very calm and measured.' Chambers UK (2021)

    ‘He has a very good way with clients and is excellent on his feet in court.’ Chambers UK (2020)

    ‘His advice is practical and pragmatic.’ Legal 500 (2020)

    ‘Particularly impresses with the thoroughness of his preparation.’ Chambers UK (2019)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of facts in every case – no stone is unturned.’ Legal 500 (2018)

    ‘His tactical acumen is astounding.’ Chambers UK (2018)

    ‘He's very good, extremely experienced and very calm under pressure. He's very adept at cross-examination and it takes a lot to ruffle him. He's one of the most polished advocates out there: suave without being pretentious.’ Chambers UK Crime (2017)

    ‘A good jury advocate.’ Chambers UK (2014)

    ‘Selva Ramasamy has a calm and collected approach and puts his clients at ease.’ Chambers UK (2014)

    Recent Cases


  • Accomplished in the professional regulatory sphere, Selva Ramasamy KC continues to impress with his absolute understanding of the issues a regulator and professional may face at all stages of proceedings. He draws on his skills in dealing with complex scientific and technical evidence to conduct cross-examinations which are "devastatingly incisive".

    Selva is Head of Chambers' Regulatory practice group. 


    Selva has over 20 years of experience in regulatory law. He is often involved in the most serious types of regulatory cases which involve concurrent investigation by the police and regulators. Given his wide experience in criminal law, he is able to provide advice and representation across both spheres, taking into account the specific forensic needs of both types of investigation.

    Selva was appointed as the Legal Advisor to the General Medical Council’s Review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide, an independent review into how each of these serious offences is applied to medical practice. 

    To read the report in full, please see the GMC's website.


    Selva is widely recognised as a leading practitioner in cases involving doctors and other healthcare professionals, in particular where complex technical issues or issues of financial irregularity arise. He has substantial experience of such cases at first instance and on appeal to the High Court.

    Financial Regulation
    He draws on his considerable experience in financial crime to conduct cases involving financial regulation by the FCA, and to conduct cases involving allegations of financial irregularity brought by other regulatory bodies.

    Regulation of the legal profession
    Selva acts in cases involving regulation of the legal profession (both solicitors and barristers). He defends and acts for regulators, including 10 years as a member of the Bar Standards Board Prosecuting Counsel Panel for Disciplinary Hearings. Drawing on his criminal law experience, he has conducted several private prosecutions on behalf of the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

    Police Discipline
    Selva also represents police officers in disciplinary proceedings and has appeared in a number of high profile cases in this sphere in recent years, including cases involving deaths in custody, where he has concurrently acted for the officer in the inquest proceedings.

    Selva’s prominence in the field of professional regulation is very much deserved; he moves effortlessly between disciplines, providing reassurance at the most challenging of times for the client.

    Notable Cases

    Bar Standards Board v Barrister A (BTAS proceedings) [2020-2023]

    Selva Ramasamy KC was instructed to defend Barrister A in proceedings brought by the Bar Standards Board before the Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Service. Barrister A faced allegations of professional misconduct. He was alleged to have engaged in inappropriate conduct including harassment of another barrister spanning a 16 month period. The investigation and proceedings took 3 years. Notwithstanding the serious nature of the admitted facts, the Tribunal was persuaded to suspend Barrister A rather than strike him off.

    Selva was instructed by Julie Norris at Kingsley Napley.

    Bar Standards Board v Barrister B (BTAS proceedings and High Court) [2022-2023]

    Selva Ramasamy KC was instructed to defend a barrister in proceedings brought by the Bar Standards Board before the Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Service. Barrister B faced allegations of professional misconduct. He was alleged to have acted in a misleading and dishonest way in submitting appeal documents to the Court of Appeal in which he purported to have complied with his  obligations as fresh appeal counsel, in accordance with the relevant guidance in R v McCook, when in fact he had not. Following a contested hearing, the Tribunal found the allegations of dishonesty not proven. The barrister had explained how he had acted under extreme pressure of time, and had admitted reckless misleading in those circumstances, having failed to acquaint himself with the precise requirements in the guidance.The Tribunal imposed a period of suspension of 12 months. 

    Selva then appealed this decision in proceedings before the High Court, arguing that the period of suspension was excessive. On 7 November 2023 the High Court agreed with Selva’s submissions, holding that the Tribunal had failed to give sufficient weight to the mitigating factors in the case. The sanction was reduced to a period of six months. 

    [2023] EWHC 2785 (Admin).

    Selva was instructed by Julie Norris at Kingsley Napley.

    General Medical Council v Doctor Y (MPTS 2023-2024)

    Selva Ramasamy KC was instructed to defend a doctor alleged to have engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a vulnerable patient. The case was complicated because several persons connected with the proceedings were vulnerable in a variety of ways, and because adverse mental health had played a part in the events. At a preliminary hearing, Selva argued that the entirety of the proceedings would have to be held in private. The Tribunal agreed with that submission.

    A central issue was whether the relationship had begun when the doctor remained in a treating role (this was denied). Evidence was assembled to demonstrate how the chronology had played out, to support the doctor’s account. 

    Three applications were made for the proceedings to be withdrawn under Rule 28 of the GMC’s Fitness to Practise Rules 2004 (as amended), on the basis that there was no realistic prospect of a finding of impaired fitness to practise. The Case Examiners refused the first two applications, but after a third renewed application, they finally agreed to withdraw the proceedings, shortly before the case was due to be heard by the MPTS.

     Selva was instructed by Eloise Aspinall at the Medical Defence Union.

    General Medical Council v Dr R (High Court, 2024)

    Selva Ramasamy KC was instructed to act for a doctor in a rare GMC appeal under section 40A of the Medical Act 1983. The GMC appealed against a determination of the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service that no action should be taken against Dr R, in respect of sexual misconduct in the form of inappropriate messages sent to professional colleagues. The GMC submitted that Dr R should have been suspended from practising. The High Court agreed that taking no action was insufficient, but it agreed with Selva’s submission that suspension would be disproportionate to the circumstances. The High Court imposed conditions on Dr R’s registration, allowing him to continue working.  

    [2023] EWHC 3228 (Admin)

    Selva was instructed by Esme Smyth at the Medical Protection Society


    PSR v Sulion LTD (2021)
    Selva Ramasamy KC and Tom Broomfield represented Sulion Limited in an investigation conducted by the Payment Systems Regulator (“PSR”) into cartel activity in the UK pre-paid cards market. The investigation was opened in October 2017. Following searches in February 2018, the PSR announced its provisional findings in March 2021. All parties settled during the course of the investigation.

    R v PC X (2018 and 2019)
    Defence of a police dog handler whose dog bit and seriously injured a runner in training for the 2016 Rio Olympics. 

    SRA v Perry (2018)
    Acted for the Solicitors Regulation Authority in this case concerning a solicitor who misled his employer about substantial payments from a client.

    Inquest into the Death of NM (2018)
    Represented a consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology in this inquiry into the death of a mother and baby in a maternity unit.  

    GMC v Dr XX (2018)
    Defended a long established doctor accused of sexual assault on a fellow doctor.


    Legal 500 2025: Professional Disciplinary and Regulatory Law - Tier 2

    Chambers UK 2024: Professional Discipline – Band 2

    'Selva is a fantastic tactician, who is incredibly smart. He will find an angle on a case that you don't know is there and succeed with it.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2023)

    ‘Selva is incredibly bright, very thorough and has great attention to detail. His advocacy is impressive – very measured and clear. He is a pleasure to work with!‘ Legal 500 Professional Discipline and Regulatory law (2023)

    'A calming yet authoritative influence on any case, who is extremely thorough in his preparation.' 'He is calm, measured and focused in his preparation of cases even with difficult clients, and a very effective advocate.' 'An excellent barrister who is extremely experienced, very thorough, dedicated and bright. He is an amazing advocate.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2022)

    'Selva is at the top of the game in this field and commands the respect of panels and opponents alike. A brilliant mind coupled with an understated, but fiendishly clever and curated approach to cases means that Selva always secures the best possible results for clients.' Legal 500 Professional Discipline and Regulatory law (2022)

    'An all-round barrister. Clients love him and solicitors rate him.' 'As an opponent he is robust and formidable but he is very fair. He is a class act.' Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2021)

    'He has in-depth experience with cases at the interface of regulatory and criminal law so is well-suited for cases that may have commenced as a regulatory matter but face the risk of becoming a criminal prosecution.' Legal 500 Professional Disciplinary and Regulatory Law (2021)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of the facts in every case.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2020)

    ‘He leaves no stone unturned when fighting his client's corner.’ Legal 500 Professional Discipline and Regulatory Law (2020)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of the facts in every case.’ ‘A charming, smooth advocate whom juries trust and have confidence in.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2019)

    ‘Panels appreciate the lengths he goes to explain the cases.’ Legal 500 Professional Discipline and Regulatory Law (2018)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of facts in every case. No stone is left unturned.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2018)

    ‘A consummate professional. Always thoroughly prepared, very personable and an excellent advocate.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2018)

    ‘Incredibly able and extremely calm, he glides around the courtroom... He's extremely thorough, very responsive and has very sound judgement. He is very pleasant to work with too.’ Chambers UK Professional Discipline (2017)

    Recent Cases



  • Private Prosecutions

    At the forefront of criminal private prosecutions, particularly arising from the regulatory arena, Selva Ramasamy KC has conducted several ground breaking private prosecutions.


    Selva Ramasamy has significant experience in conducting private criminal prosecutions, particularly on behalf of professional regulatory bodies.  He has been an innovator of private prosecutions arising from the regulatory field, conducting the very first private prosecutions for a variety of significant regulators.  He has also advised and acted for individuals and corporates, advising on the merits of a prosecution and conducting subsequent cases.


    Selva has ample experience of conducting private criminal prosecutions, particularly on behalf of professional regulatory bodies.  He acted for the Security Industry Authority, successfully conducting the first private prosecutions of companies under the Private Security Industry Act 2001.  He acted for the General Dental Council, successfully conducting the first prosecutions of companies and individuals for illegal commercial tooth whitening.  He is regularly instructed to bring private prosecutions on behalf of the Solicitors Regulation Authority against those wrongly holding themselves out to be solicitors; all these cases have resulted in custodial sentences and full orders for costs.

    Using his impressive knowledge of the field, Selva has advised other regulators and private individuals as to the merits and mechanisms of bringing a private prosecution.

    Notable Cases

    Solicitors Regulation Authority v Preston (2015)
    Prosecution of a solicitor who had been struck off but continued to practise. An immediate custodial sentence was imposed, together with an order for prosecution costs.

    Solicitors Regulation Authority v Gandham (2012)
    Prosecution of a person who had never been admitted to the Roll, but who had held herself out as a solicitor and who had practised in a number of different fields. A suspended sentence was imposed, together with an order for prosecution costs.

    General Dental Council v Hill & PW Healthcare (2011)
    The first prosecutions for illegal commercial tooth whitening.


    'He is very calm and thoughtful - juries like him.' 'He is very conscious of getting the best outcome for clients.' 'He is amazing - such an experienced and well-versed criminal advocate.' 'A lovely mixture of intelligence and charm. He doesn't give up.' Chambers UK (2022)

    'His energy and understanding of the detail is excellent.' 'He is an excellent tactician and jury advocate.' 'He is very calm and measured.' Chambers UK (2021)

    ‘He has a very good way with clients and is excellent on his feet in court.’ Chambers UK (2020)

    ‘He leaves no stone unturned when fighting his client's corner.’ Legal 500 (2020)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of the facts in every case.’ ‘A charming, smooth advocate whom juries trust and have confidence in.’ Chambers UK (2019)

    ‘His tactical acumen is astounding.’ Chambers UK (2018)

    Recent Cases


  • Inquests, Inquiries and Public Law

    Selva Ramasamy KC has the full range of Public Law experience; he has appeared in inquests and proceedings in the high court including Judicial Reviews and Cases Stated. 


    Selva’s substantial practice in regulatory law brings with it inevitable experience in the fields of inquests, inquiries and cases involving challenges in the High Court. He has considerable experience with difficult and sensitive inquests arising from medical, police and military action, where he draws on his skills in dealing with complex scientific and technical evidence.

    Selva was appointed as the  Legal Advisor to the General Medical Council’s Review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide, an independent review into how each of these serious offences is applied to medical practice. 

    To read the report in full, please see the GMC's website.


    Selva has acted in several inquests involving fatalities arising from medical treatment, accidents in the workplace, deaths in police custody and in a military setting. He has appeared in a variety of cases in the High Court (statutory appeals, applications for orders or injunctions) and in cases of judicial review and case stated. Noted for his ability to deal with complex scientific and technical evidence, his determination to leave no stone unturned and his calm manner with clients make him a popular choice for solicitors. Selva is currently acting for an employee of an insulation manufacturer involved in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. 

    Notable Cases

    GMC’s Review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide
    Appointed as the Legal Advisor to the independent review led by Dame Clare Marx. 

    Grenfell Tower Inquiry
    Advising an employee of a Core Participant in the Inquiry. 

    Inquest into the Death of NM (2018)
    Representing a consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology in inquiry into the death of a mother and baby in a maternity unit.  

    Inquest into the death of JC (2017)
    Representing a leading orthopaedic surgeon in inquiry into a death following surgery.

    Inquest into the death of ML (2016)
    Representing a police custody sergeant in a two week inquest into a death in custody.

    Inquest into the death of BW (2014)
    Inquest into a death by electrocution which occurred during a refit at the plant of a leading food processing company. Selva represented a company contracted to install equipment (Chichester Coroner’s Court).


    Legal 500 2025: Inquests and Inquiries - Tier 4

    'A calming yet authoritative influence on any case, who is extremely thorough in his preparation.' 'He is calm, measured and focused in his preparation of cases even with difficult clients, and a very effective advocate.' 'An excellent barrister who is extremely experienced, very thorough, dedicated and bright. He is an amazing advocate.' Chambers UK (2022)

    'An all-round excellent barrister. Clients love him and solicitors rate him.' 'As an opponent he is robust and formidable but he is very fair. He is a class act.' Chambers UK (2021)

    ‘An exceptionally thorough counsel who gets to the bottom of the facts in every case.’ Chambers UK (2020)

    ‘His advice is practical and pragmatic.’ Legal 500 (2020)

    ‘Particularly impresses with the thoroughness of his preparation.’ Chambers UK (2019)

    ‘Selva Ramasamy has a calm and collected approach and puts his clients at ease.’ Chambers UK (2014)

    Recent Cases


    • QEB Hollis Whiteman chambers and four of its members have been shortlisted across eight categories in the Legal 500 UK Bar Awards 2024

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    • Is it Fair to Refer?

      The recent case of Dr Arora, an Indian qualified female doctor, has once again shone a spotlight on the fairness of fitness to practise investigations, and has again highlighted concerns about the discrimination which appears to exist in the referral and ...

    • Selva Ramasamy QC invited to speak at the British Medical Association (BMA) Medico-legal conference

      Selva Ramasamy QC has been invited to speak at the British Medical Association (BMA) Medico-legal conference, to be held Thursday 7th July, between 9:15 AM – 16:40 PM at BMA House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JP. Selva will be speaking on the to...

    • A Public Inquiry into Covid-19. A Series of Discussions Hosted by QEBHW Part 1: The NHS - Might the Hand-clapping Turn to Finger-pointing?

      This is the first of a series of podcasts by QEB Hollis Whiteman looking at the topic of a public inquiry into Covid -19 from a variety of perspectives.We start with the medical profession. In this podcast we will discuss the pandemic-related issues that ...
