Georgina Jenkins

Called to the Bar:2022

  • Georgina Jenkins is a junior in demand across all areas of Chambers’ practice.


    Georgina has experience in a broad range of serious criminal offences, including offences against the person, drugs offences, firearms offences and sexual offences. She has also represented defendants in terrorism related matters. Georgina has a busy general crime practice and is regularly instructed to prosecute and defend in the Crown Court, Youth Court and Magistrates’ Court.

    Corporate & Financial Crime

    Georgina has experience beyond her call prosecuting and defending cases of the utmost seriousness and complexity, including multi-jurisdictional bribery and corruption cases, fraud, money laundering, misconduct in public offence, and proceeds of crime matters.

    Regulatory and Disciplinary

    Georgina has a broad range of experience in professional regulation, presenting in healthcare, financial regulation and applying her knowledge in internal investigations that have arisen within the field.

    Private Prosecutions

    Georgina has experience of Private Prosecutions having worked on them at a boutique corporate crime law firm prior to joining chambers.  She has since advised in her own right as counsel and supported others in chambers across various offences.  

    Public Law

    Georgina draws from a background in Public Law developing it further alongside Chambers’ Inquest, Inquiries and Public Law team.  She has experience of Human Rights, inquests, inquiries, internal investigations and Judicial Review.


    • CPS External Advocates Panel – Grade 1
    • Approved NMC Counsel List


    • BPTC + LLM, BPP University (Distinction)
    • LLB (Hons), Law, University of Sheffield

    Scholarships and Awards

    • Peter Duffy Scholarship, the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
    • Kennedy Scholarship, the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
    • Excellence Scholarship, BPP University
    • Probono Scholarship, BPP University

    Professional Memberships

    • Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn
    • The Young Fraud Lawyers Association
    • Women in Criminal Law



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    Recent Cases

    •  In a judgement dated 3 March 2023, the Court of Appeal held that the current high prison population in adult male prisons was, at present, an exceptional factor which could be properly taken into account by a sentencing judge, especially in relation to s...



    • Congratulations to our new tenants, Georgina Jenkins and Tom Lambert

      We are delighted to announce that Georgia Jenkins and Tom Lambert have accepted offers to join Chambers, following the successful completion of their pupillages.For more information, please contact our clerking team – either by email or by telephone...



    • A Briefing Note: R v Ali [2023] EWCA Crim 232

       In a judgement dated 3 March 2023, the Court of Appeal held that the current high prison population in adult male prisons was, at present, an exceptional factor which could be properly taken into account by a sentencing judge, especially in relation to s...

  • Corporate and Financial Crime

    A highly regarded and sought after junior, Georgina builds from impressive foundations in Corporate and Financial Crime.


    Georgina has experience beyond her call prosecuting and defending cases of the utmost seriousness and complexity, including multi-jurisdictional bribery and corruption cases, fraud, money laundering, misconduct in public offence, and proceeds of crime matters.


    Georgina has acted as junior counsel to the defence in a large-scale cryptocurrency fraud brought by the CPS. This case involved a lot of complex financial analysis and involved wide ranging allegations of fraud.

    Georgina has been working for the FCA in the prosecution of an extensive criminal and regulatory fraud investigation. Georgina has been involved since pre-charge and her work in this case has brought Georgina experience of the investigation and disclosure process in cases with large amounts of complex material.

    Georgina was instructed as sole counsel to represent a man accused of fraud by false representation. This case involved various complexities, including the defendant’s ability to act dishonestly with various complex mental health needs. Georgina has also defended a man accused of fraud by failing to disclose information.  

    Georgina was involved in the prosecution of a large-scale case involving bribery and corruption of a foreign government. This case involved many legal complexities, including the territorial application of corruption offences before The Bribery Act 2010.

    Most recently, Georgina has been instructed in the defence of another high-profile case involving the corruption of a foreign government. Georgina’s role focused on the disclosure of large amounts of material.

    Georgina was also involved in a case defending the CEO of a commercial property company who was charged with bribery by the SFO. Georgina was heavily involved in the preparation of the defence and with the disclosure process.

    Georgina has also assisted on internal investigations involving serious and sensitive allegations. Most recently, she has been instructed on an internal investigation regarding a serious allegation made in a large medical organisation.

    Before joining Chambers, Georgina previously worked at Mishcon de Reya in the White-Collar Crime and Investigations team. She assisted on a range of sensitive and high-profile investigations involving the Serious Fraud Office, National Crime Agency and the police. She gained experience in a wide range of domestic and international white-collar matters, including corruption, fraud, bribery and money laundering. She also assisted on cases defending Account Freezing Orders and Unexplained Wealth Orders, as well as clients who are subject to extradition requests.


  • A wealth of experience beyond her call, Georgina is the junior of choice for leaders and solicitors alike.


    Georgina has experience in a broad range of serious criminal offences, including offences against the person, drugs offences, firearms offences and sexual offences. She has also represented defendants in terrorism related matters. Georgina has a busy general crime practice and is regularly instructed to prosecute and defend in the Crown Court, Youth Court and Magistrates’ Court.


    Georgina was involved in the defence of an individual charged with murder, when the trial collapsed after a key witness was found to have provided false evidence. Georgina was also involved in the defence of a man accused of murder, along with 13 other defendants, resulting from a conspiracy to steal cannabis plants. Georgina has also acted as noting junior for the prosecution during multiple murder trials at the Central Criminal Court. 

    Georgina has prosecuted and defended individuals for serious sexual assaults, as sole counsel and junior counsel. Georgina has also been involved in a number of high-profile rape and serious sexual assault cases, and represented individuals across the full gamut of sexual offences. Georgina has also dealt with ancillary matters such as Sexual Harm Prevention Orders. 

    Georgina regularly appears in the Crown Court in serious and general crime matters. Recently, Georgina represented a man who was acquitted after trial, after Georgina successfully applied to exclude the CCTV evidence because the prosecution had failed to disclosure the underlying CCTV footage to the defence. 

    Georgina regularly represents individuals charged with weapons offences. Recently, Georgina made a successful application of no case to answer in a case where she represented a man accused of possession of a bladed article. The application was based on the prosecution’s failure to prove the defendant had in fact possessed the bladed article.  Georgina also made a successful application to dismiss a case on behalf of a defendant who was charged with possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear and possession of a prohibited weapon. Georgina successfully argued that the prosecution failed to prove that the item in question was designed or adapted in a way required by the statute. 

    In another case, Georgina successfully made a submission of no case to answer whilst representing a man charged with having possession of an offensive weapon. Georgina persuaded the judge that the prosecution had failed to prove an essential element of the offence, as the article was not an offensive weapon per se, and they had failed to prove that the defendant carried it with an intention to cause injury.

    Georgina regularly represents vulnerable individuals who have little experience of the criminal justice system. Georgina represented a woman who was charged with an offence of threatening with a bladed article in a private place and threats to kill of her daughter, in circumstances where the offences were recorded. Following a guilty plea, Georgina successfully persuaded the judge to impose a conditional discharge, by addressing him on the nature of the offence, and the former good character of the defendant.  In another case, Georgina represented a man who had pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of heroin and crack cocaine. Georgina made submissions on the defendant’s elements of limited culpability and significant mitigation and was able to persuade the judge to reduce the sentence from a starting point of 4.5 years to a 24-month suspended sentence. 

    Georgina also has experience of organised crime included issues that have engaged the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act. 

  • Georgina’s diverse practice and experience supports her development in the regulatory field where she moves between disciplines with ease.


    Georgina has a broad range of experience in professional regulation, presenting in healthcare, financial regulation and applying her knowledge in internal investigations that have arisen within the field.


    Georgina regularly presents as approved counsel on behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Council in substantive hearings, interim order applications and review hearings.

    Georgina has undertaken a secondment with the Financial Conduct Authority and has experience of prosecuting dual track investigations.

    Georgina has also assisted on internal investigations involving serious and sensitive allegations. Most recently, she has been instructed on an internal investigation regarding a serious allegation made in a large medical organisation.

  • Private Prosecutions

    A gifted Corporate and Financial Crime junior, building on her early experience in Private Prosecutions.


    Georgina has experience of Private Prosecutions having worked on them at a boutique corporate crime law firm prior to joining chambers.  She has since advised in her own right as counsel and supported others in chambers across various offences.  


    Georgina has recently been instructed to assist on a private prosecution, having undertaken a private prosecution seat during her pupillage. Also, before joining chambers, Georgina gained experience advising individuals and corporates facing private prosecutions.

  • Inquests, Inquiries and Public Law

    Georgina continues to develop a diverse practice from her early Public Law beginnings.


    Georgina draws from a background in Public Law developing it further alongside Chambers’ Inquest, Inquiries and Public Law team.  She has experience of Human Rights, inquests, inquiries, internal investigations and Judicial Review.


    Georgina comes to Chambers after working as a lawyer in the UK division of the European Court of Human Rights, where she assisted on cases involving alleged violations of the European Convention on Human Rights in the context of domestic criminal justice. She dealt with admissibility decisions and legal research in a number of high-profile and politically sensitive cases and assisted with emergency interim measures applications in cases involving matters such as imminent extradition or deportation.

    Georgina continues to build her public law practice; since joining Chambers, Georgina has supported others in work associated with inquests, inquiries and judicial review.

    Georgina has also assisted on internal investigations involving serious and sensitive allegations. Most recently, she has been instructed on an internal investigation regarding a serious allegation made in a large medical organisation.