•  'An exceptional, ‘top-end’ set with a long-standing reputation for professionalism and efficiency' Chambers UK 2017
  • 'The very talented barristers here are known for their superior advocacy skills and their approachability' Chambers UK 2017
  • 'Delivering quality at every level' Chambers UK 2018

Road Traffic & Motoring

From the straightforward to the complex, members at all levels have experience of Road Traffic and Motoring offences, the tactics required and the best approach in the courtroom.


Chambers can provide a wide range of Barristers from Junior to QC to suit any level of road traffic offence. We recognise the serious implications of losing a licence and appreciate the need to explore every avenue in a case to ensure that we can obtain the best possible outcome in all the circumstances. Our expertise in the field positions us well to do our very best for any client.

Our Experience 

Although specialising in the defence of motoring offences, members of Chambers bring with them significant experience of prosecuting the full range of these offences, which is invaluable in providing balanced and practical advice and for making effective tactical decisions. 

We specialise in all road traffic offences but we deal most regularly with speeding, drink driving, driving with excess alcohol or drugs, driving with no insurance, failure to provide details, topping up points, driving bans, HGV offences, careless driving, dangerous driving and offences linked to accident claims. At the most serious level, we deal with the prosecution and defence of death by dangerous and careless driving. We often advise on these matters at investigation stage and have experience of halting proceedings pre-charge through various means, including letters of representation.

Our Barristers are particularly alive to the need for detailed technical understanding of the complex legal provisions, and of the relevant requirements of admissibility of evidence, as we have first-hand experience of how these can significantly impact the outcome of a case.

We recognise that these offences can affect anyone and welcome the opportunity to discuss clients’ concerns in the strictest confidence so that we can take a case forward in the best possible way, towards the most favourable outcome.


Recent Cases

R v PC Brown (2020)

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Jennifer Newcomb appointed as Treasury Counsel Monitoree

We are delighted to announce that as of the 1 st  April 2024 Jennifer Newcomb will be...

Philip McGhee to be appointed Treasury Counsel

We are delighted to announce that as of the 1 st April 2024 Philip McGhee will be Junior Treasury...


A Briefing Note: R v Ng & R v O'Reilly Abuse of process and non-attendance

The Court of Appeal has recently given guidance on the options for the criminal courts when dealing with non-attendance of counsel, particularly prosecution counsel, at hearings and at trials. In this briefing note,  Philip Stott  and ...

R v Manning: Sentencing considered during the period of the pandemic

Philip Stott considers R - v -  Manning and the observations of the Lord Chief Justice on sentencing during Covid-19 A recent ‘unduly lenient’ sentencing reference to the Court of Appeal – R v Manning – provided an opportunity...

Criminal Courts: Coping with Covid-19

Edmund Smith  of  Kingsley Napley  and  Kerry Broome  of QEB Hollis Whiteman review how the administration of criminal justice has changed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and what this might mean for the future.  ...

The Coronavirus Act, and the emergence of a 'Virtual Court' - perhaps without Juries?

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