Application Process

Applications for pupillage are now closed and will open again in January 2025.


Our pupillage award will be £55,000.

The award is made up of two parts:

  • A £30,000 grant paid to cover the non-practising first-six.
  • A £25,000 minimum income threshold during our extended practising period.

The £25,000 minimum income threshold means our pupils keep what they earn but if their income falls below a certain monthly level, chambers will make up any shortfall. This means no pupil will earn less than the minimum income threshold during their practising period.

In previous years, our pupils have earnt a median income of £28,000 over their practising period of pupillage.

We also provide a bursary to all of our pupils of £200 to contribute towards the cost of their gown. This is a legacy from Jean Southworth QC, a former member of chambers and one of the first female silks.

We are also able to offer some funding to be drawn down during the BPTC year on a case-by-case basis by contacting the Head of Pupillage who will treat any such enquiries confidentially.

The Application Process

We typically receive over 200 applications for pupillage.

All applications are independently redacted by a member of staff to remove the applicants’ name and address. Redacted applications are then reviewed by members of chambers using a standardised marking scheme which provides a final numerical score.

Each application is marked by two separate members of chambers. The average of both marks provides each applicant's final numerical score, and those with the top marks will be offered first round interviews.

Members of chambers involved in marking pupillage applications or interviewing candidates have been trained in fair recruitment.

The First Round Interview

We offer as many first-round interviews as we can accommodate, which is typically 35 interviews per year.

Interviews take place on a Saturday in chambers, and we usually have multiple three-person interview panels running simultaneously.

Interviewers assess candidates according to a standardised marking scheme. The average of the mark from each interviewer then creates a final numerical mark for each applicant.

The Second Round Interview

We typically offer 12 second-round interviews a year to the highest scoring applicants from the first round. Each applicant is interviewed by the same panel on the same day, chaired by the Head of Pupillage.

Applicants are provided with a mock legal application shortly before their interview and are then asked to present their argument to the panel.

The applicant is asked a series of questions by the panel which will include some standardised questions and some questions bespoke to the applicant. Each interviewer will complete a standardised marking form for each applicant.

Candidates are assessed on their:

  • Qualification for the job.
  • Drive and determination to come to chambers.
  • Ethical awareness.
  • Listening and focus.
  • Reasoning and analysis.
  • Judgement.
  • Persuasion and advocacy.

In the event of a tie between two applicants, it is chambers policy to then allow the interview panel to consider a person’s background (including any underrepresented protected characteristics) and to contact referees if necessary.