Tom Lambert

Called to the Bar:2022

  • Tom was called to the Bar by Middle Temple in July 2022 and joined Chambers as a pupil in September 2022. Following successful completion of his pupillage Tom was invited to join as a full member in February 2024. 


    Tom is regularly instructed to both prosecute and defend in the Youth Court, Magistrates' Court, and Crown Court. He has experience in relation to a broad range of criminal offences, including offences against the person; sexual offences; road traffic offences; theft offences; Dangerous Dogs Act offences; and Malicious Communications offences. 

    Tom has recently appeared in the Court of Appeal Criminal Division, where he succeeded in getting his client's sentence reduced from 32 months to 20 months. He focuses on going above-and-beyond for his clients, with thorough preparation, written submissions and oral advocacy. 

    During his pupillage, Tom assisted senior members of chambers in relation to high-profile cases, including terrorism and homicide offences. He has also developed experience with the private prosecutions team in Chambers. 


    Tom has started to develop a varied regulatory practice. He has worked extensively as a Case Presenter for the Nursing and Midwifery Council, from interim order hearings to substantive hearings. He has built a reputation for attention to detail and persuasive advocacy. 

    During his pupillage, Tom completed a secondment with the British Horseracing Authority, and looks forward to developing his experience in sports regulation. 

    Public Law/Inquests/Inquiries

    Tom was the first pupil at Chambers to complete a seat with the Public Law team. He assisted the family's representative in a Coroner's Inquest into a death following release from police custody. 

    He has also assisted with the publication of an article about supply chain transparency in relation to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The article was written in collaboration with Anti-Slavery International. 


    Tom previously worked as a stage and screen actor, performing off-Broadway and on the West End. 

    During his law studies, Tom won the National Speed Mooting Prize for Criminal Law and the Francis Taylor Building Kingsland Mooting Cup for Public Law. He also won the City Criminal Essay Writing Competition for an essay about the reform of the Loss of Control partial defence in the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. He was a volunteer for the Schools Consent Project, which provides legal workshops in schools about consent and sexual assault, and also as a Vocalise Mentor, teaching advocacy skills to prisoners in HMP Brixton. 


    • CPS External Advocates Panel – Grade 2
    • Approved NMC Counsel List


    • Called 2021 (Middle Temple)
    • Bar Vocational Studies (Distinction) - The City Law School
    • Graduate Diploma in Law (Distinction) - The City Law School
    • BA (Hons) Classics (2:1) - St Benet's Hall, University of Oxford


    • Terence Fitzgerald Scholarship - Middle Temple (2021-22)


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